Prepare and stuff squids like in Stuffed Squids as instruction here.
1 Tbs vegetable oil from frying squids
3 large plum tomatoes, coarsely chopped
1 garlic clove, finely chopped
1-2 small shallot, finely chopped
1 Tbs fish sauce
2 tsp sugar
1/4 tsp ground black pepper
1 small red Thai Chili (optional)
Tomato rose/s, cilantro, thinly sliced green onion for decoration.
1. Stuffed squids can be fried like in Stuffed Squids or seared in 1 Tbs oil until light golden brown or steamed until the stuffing cooked through about 15 minutes. Transfer to a platter. Set aside.
2. Remove all except 1 Tbs oil, add shallot and garlic into the same pan. Stir until fragrant, add tomato, fish sauce, sugar, black pepper and whole Thai chili (if used). Taste and low the heat down to medium low and simmer until tomato reduced to a thick sauce, taste and adjust seasoning if needed. Add squids into the sauce and cook a few minutes, stir occasional for squids coached with sauce. Rewarm if needed before serving. Squids can be add to the sauce and warm up at the same time. Remove toothpicks before serving. Serve with cooked rice in a multiple course meal.
The tentacles can be saved and attached to the stuffed squids for decoration in seared or steamed stuffed squids. Do not use in frying because they can be burned.
The small squids can be hard to be stuffed. The stuffing can be put into a plastic bag and cut a corner and push the stuffing through the hole into the squid'bodies.
Save one tomato skin is enough to make two roses for decoration.
Stuffed squids can be added directly into the tomato sauce with 1/4 cup water, cover and simmer until The stuffing cooked through for 15 minutes. If sauce is too thin, cook it down with high heat a few minutes, if too thick add a few Tbs water. If you want clear and thicken tomato sauce with corn starch, see instruction here.